日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
- 正常價格
HK$1,628.00 - 正常價格
- 特賣價格
沖浪沖奶機 X UV消毒烘乾機
- 在中國享專利Solen-clarification 水通道淨化技術,排空機身管道餘水,看得見的純淨。
- 定量出水,誤差<0.6ml,量滿即止
- 水溫準確,誤差小於1℃
- 100%沸騰100℃煲熟的水,告別假性煮沸
- 分體提壼,方便清洗
- 採用高硼硅玻璃,可承受150℃瞬時温差
- 採用醫用316L不鏽鋼,耐腐蝕加熱快
- 用食品級硅膠管道,防腐蝕無毒無味
- 溫度 預設45°C、55°C、70°C、90°C
- 設有兒童安全鎖和夜燈的安全設計
- UVC 「烘乾」,「紫外線」,「自動」無菌儲存功能集於一身
- 10個UVC燈泡有效殺菌,去除99.99%%的細菌,包括大腸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、蟎蟲等,共22種。
- 安全防護設計 - 如在使用過程中打開消毒櫃的門,消毒櫃會暫停運作,以防止紫外線洩漏
- 靈活的嬰兒用品隔層
- 消毒過程不產生臭氧、汞
快點,只有4 件有貨!
Shipping Policy
After you place an order, we will normally ship out the goods within 1-3 business days subject to the availability of the item(s). Free Shipping is available within Hong Kong SAR main areas*.
We process and dispatch local Hong Kong orders from our Hong Kong warehouse. Your package will be delivered via the most suitable and appropriate carrier and to your assigned address (and we do NOT deliver to P.O. box nor Hotel), plus any remote area charge if applicable.
We will notify you via email about the estimated delivery dates within 2 working days. All packages will be delivered ONE time only. Please make sure that someone is available to pick up your package at the shipping address, and make sure that you enter the correct contact number during checkout. The courier may call you before shipping. Should a second delivery attempt is required, a surcharge will be charged according to the product's actual weight for the delivery fee.
For other shipping methods, please e-mail us at marketing.hk@snowbearbaby.com for a quote.
Areas that CANNOT be delivered in Hong Kong
Delivery Service is not available for the following areas. we encourage you to use a shipping address within the city and take advantage of the Free Shipping available in Hong Kong.
Sha Tau Kok, Ta Kwu Ling, Man Kam To, Mai Po, Lok Ma Chau, Lo Wu, Po Toi Island, Tung Lung Chau, Grass Island, Crooked Island (Kat O), Tung Ping Chau,
Shek O, Chek Lap Kok, HK International Airport etc.
Finally, kindly ensure that all of your shipping details (i.e., full address, telephone number, e-mail) are entered correctly during the checkout process. Please be aware that we will not be responsible for any loss parcel caused by any incorrect shipping details. In case of any dispute, we reserve the right to make the final decision.
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
- 正常價格
HK$1,628.00 - 正常價格
- 特賣價格
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
純淨! 預排空管道廢水。
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
1.5升 大容量
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機
2合1 智能淨水沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾櫃
日月潭 沖浪沖飲機 X UV消毒烘乾機